The isolation that we offer is the Insulation base material with closed cell elastomeric rubber. Useful purpose to keep the temperature/temperature of the water or gas in the pipes stay awake so there happen heat loss (loss of heat/dingin). Heat loss/heat/cool loss always occurs on his way until the election of the right Insulation, the thickness of the right Insulation as well as a good pemyambungan is urgently needed.
Much to theluhan that appear that AIR CONDITIONING not cold and hot water shower not hot in bed. Beyond the damage to equipment, 75% of these are due to the pipe that is used as an introduction and Isolation media that serve the desired temperature in order to maintain the achieved.
The isolation that we offer is available from size small to most. And the thickness of the Insulation range from 9 mm to 50 mm. thickness of Insulation Selection is very important in order not to happen the heat loss/kondesasi.
A few things into consideration in the selection of Insulation are:
Ambient temperature: room temperature
Operating temperature: the temperature inside the pipe
Humidity (Humidity areas to be installed)
Length of pipe installed.
The losses result from votersan improper Insulation are:
Wasteful electricity, because the compressor will work continuously to reach the desired temperature.
Quick compressor broken
Ceiling or wall becomes damaged by water dripping from a pipe condensation
Room temperatures cool more quickly because there is no heat loss in transit.